Life On Planets

Another of the scientists Bill Schopf, researcher at the University of California in Los Angeles, added: “One, thanks to Opportunity and the rovers and orbital imaging it is clear that there are literally vast areas of Mars that are carpeted with various sorts of sulphates, including gypsum."Two, it turns out on earth there just hasn’t been hardly any work done at all to show whether gypsum ever includes within it preserved evidence of former life.“The age doesn’t matter. We just didn’t know that fossils and organic matter and things like that were well preserved within gypsum. “So, three, it turns out that now we have made that first step we are going to find out how widespread it is in other sulphate deposits on earth.“And those lines of evidence will then give us a way to justify going to Mars and looking at gypsum because it looks as though based on these findings that is going to turn out to be a really excellent place to find evidence of ancient life, regardless of age, if in fact it is there.”Five experts took part in last night’s press conference to celebrate 50 years of astrobiology research. |
Dr Steve Squyres, of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, said the only way of being sure there is life on Mars was to bring back a sample of Mars rock.He also said that the detection of methane in the martian atmosphere as revealed exclusively by The Sun raised the possibility that there was still life on Mars today.“Methane is a molecule that should go away very quickly. We need to send a mission to find out if the source is biological.“We also need to send a mission to return samples from Mars. That would enable scientists to find out whether Mars might ever have harboured life. “If we are ever going to show if there was ever life on Mars, I think we’re going to have to study samples back on Earth.”Almost 30 other NASA missions to discover life in space including one to bring back rocks from Mars have already been planned.There are also plans to visit Jupiter’s moon Europa to explore its deep underground ocean and a moon of Saturn, Enceladus, which spouted ice volcanoes. Long-term missions will also return to Saturn’s biggest moon Titan, sending a balloon flying through its atmosphere and landing a probe in its surface lakes.Future missions would also visit comets. |
NASA scientists have been searching for extraterrestrial life on other planets for some time.Last November the space organisation launched the Kepler space telescope to look for Earth-size planets in this galaxy.The telescope is on a three-and-a-half-year mission to find planets. NASA has so far been able to download data but many believe there are aliens out there.British physicist Stephen Hawking said this week aliens might be traveling through the cosmos right now but he warned they might have evil intentions |
This past Monday, NASA announced that its Kepler space telescope confirmed the first planet orbiting a star in its “habitable zone,” the region where liquid water could exist on a planet’s surface.Some scientists described this planet, known as Kepler 22B, as “Earth-like” with a star similar to our sun.Located some 600 light-years away, Kepler 22B is about 2.4 times the radius of Earth. And while scientists don’t yet exactly know if the planet is predominantly rocky, gaseous or liquid composition, its discovery has excited scientists who now say we’re now one step closer to finding other Earth-like planets throughout the cosmos. |
If it is truly made of rock, as some speculate, Dr. Boss says it might look something like our own Earth with probably a fair amount of water on it as well.While Kepler 22B is larger than Earth, its orbit of 290 days around a sun-like star resembles that of our world. The planet’s host star belongs to the same class as our sun, called G-type, although it is slightly smaller and cooler.Because of it star’s cooler attributes, Kepler 22B’s orbit is much closer to it in order to be habitable. Dr. Boss says, with an atmosphere similar to ours, Kepler 22B’s surface temperature would be close to 72 degrees Fahrenheit, like a “rather pleasant day on Earth, a nice spring day.”Dr. Boss credits the 2009 launch of NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope with the discovery. He calls Kepler, “NASA’s most important mission to try to find planets around other stars. |
The Kepler mission does this by staring at a field of 150,000 stars in the constellations of Cygnus and Lyra and watching to see if any of those stars “blink”.According to Dr. Boss, if the telescope finds a star blinking repetitively, it can sometimes be inferred that there is something passing in front of it, such as a planet orbiting around the star. Boss says this dimming of the star can be hard to detect, which is why observations must be made from space rather than from an Earth observatory.The Kepler team has identified 48 other planet candidates, which can be found in their star’s habitable zone. Further investigation needs to be done before any can actually be confirmed discoveries. |
UFOs , have been visiting the earth since the dawn of our time, that is well documented in many ancient cultures..The big cover-up is because of mainstream religion, you don't have to be a genius to work out why they want it covered up, do you ??... | |
The Church is the biggest money institution on the planet and the government, anyone's government will do all they can to keep a lid on it, even murder people who have absolute proof..If you had 3 questions you could ask an ET, would one of them be about religion and God ?!?!, well you can bet that question has been asked and they didn't like the answer, so to keep all the sheep grazing in their perspective paddocks they cover it up vehemently... | |
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Some people think that it proves that the earth is the center of the universe and it proves the existence of God. Other people think the opposite, that if life on other planets is proved it will prove the existence of God. Conversely, some people believe that if life on other planets is proved it will prove the non-existence of God. What do you think?
Those who believe in God ,however they conceive their God to be) will make room in their personal belief for the fact of life on other planets, or they'll deny that life on other planets exist, regardless the evidence. And probably the proof, at least early on, will be highly technical and prone to multiple interpretations. | |
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