Could this be Hitler?Wild and hungry beasts will cross rivers.
The greatest battles shall be against Hister.
He will cause great men to be dragged in a cage of iron,When this son of Germany respects no lAW
Century. 2 – Quatrain 24)
For our own time, perhaps the most intriguing is the following quatrain.
Sooner or later you will see great changes made.Extreme horrors and vengeance.
As Islam is thus led by its angel,The heavens draw near to the balance.
(Century. 1 – Quatrain 56)
The final word should go to Nostradamus himself, who had a superstitious fear of people walking on his grave, and gave instructions that he be buried upright. On his death, in 1566, his wishes were carried out and he was interred in the wall of the church of Cordeliers. After his death his fame increased and rumors began to spread that important papers had been secreted in his coffin.In 1700 the authorities at Salon bowed to pressure and gave permission for his coffin to be examined. No papers were found, but a medallion was discovered hanging from the skeleton. It was inscribed: 1700.
Dooms Day
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The young lion shall overcome the older
On the field of combat by single combat.
In a golden cage he shall put out his eye,
Two wounds from one, then he shall die a cruel death.
(Century. 1 – Quatrain 35)
The King was killed when a lance splintered pierced his eye during a tournament. He died as a result of his injuries.
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He shall do worse because of the trickery of a young whore.
He shall betray in the field, delivering a false promise.
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The royal couple escaped from the Tuileries, and was heading for a hiding place in Varennes, when their coachman lost his way in the forest of Reines. The captured Queen was dressed in white, the King in gray.By night there will come by the forest of ReinesA married couple, by a devious route.A Queen – white stone, a monk-king in gray at Varennes.
Elected Capet, causes tempest, fire and bloody slicing.
(Century. 9 – Quatrain 20)
Is this Napoleon?An Emperor will be born near Italy,Who will cost his empire dearly.
They will say when they see his allies,That he is less a prince than a butcher.
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We’ve been hearing about the end of the world for quite some time, now, right? It might come by meteor; it may be the result of a nuclear war; it could be a slow but definite deterioration of our Ozone layer. Whatever the cause may (or may not) be, people are obsessed with the idea of the end of the world. What makes the Ancient Mayan predictions of doomsday any different from these other catastrophically deadly potentials? The date.The difference with the Ancient Mayan prophecies, as opposed to other end of the world predictions, is a precise account of when life as we know it will cease to exist. No one can say exactly when or if a meteor will hit. We can only speculate as to when a nuclear war might erupt. We’re still learning about the Ozone layer and whether or not we can reverse the damage done, but we cannot say precisely if or when it will collapse. However, the Ancient Mayans pin-pointedly predicted one specific date, thousands of years into their own future, when we will face the end of the world as we know it. Furthermore, this date is frighteningly close: December 22, 2012.
how exactly did an ancient people prophesy such a future? The answer is in the codices, a collection of writings created by this past civilization, the most famous of which is the Dresden Codex.
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no one knows exactly when the Ancient Mayans began making their mark on history, but we do know they were most successful in Mesoamerica somewhere around 2600 BC. (4,607 years ago), and peaking at around A.D. 250 (1,757 years ago) in present day Southern Mexico, Guatemala, Western Honduras, El Salvador, and Northern Belize. Most archeological findings date the most significant productivity of the Ancient Mayans in what is known as the Classic Period, A.D. 250-900 (1,107 years ago). We also know that during their near five-thousand-year reign, the Ancient Mayans accomplished remarkable feats in the written language, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, art, architecture, agriculture, and much more.
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The Ancient Mayan structures were remarkable in their own right due to their seemingly perfect alignment, their awe-inspiring size, their attention to detail, the exquisite artwork and architecture, and the products they developed and learned to work within their buildings, such as plaster. Several of the buildings are even more mysterious in that they produce certain effects, such as the sound of a chirping bird, or the shadow of a snake slithering up their slopes during specific times of the year. But what’s even more astounding is that the Ancient Mayans created these elaborate pyramids and observatories without the use of metal tools!
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no one disputes the advanced workings of the Ancient Mayan civilization. We’re all impressed with the knowledge they possessed and how they chose to apply that knowledge. However, how or where they gained such knowledge is open for debate, with theories ranging from simple and natural evolution, to involvement from alien beings. Adding to the mystery of this ancient people are findings such as the Crystal Skulls in locations close to Mayan ruins.
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Even though scientists and archeologists have learned a great deal about the Ancient Mayans, how and where they lived, and have been able to, in part, decipher the Dresden Codex, there are still many holes in the doomsday prediction pointing to 2012. One of the most important factors to keep in mind is that though several codices are believed to have existed, only a few of those remain – and even fewer are accessible to us. Many of the codices were lost or destroyed by time or conflict with other ancient civilizations. Others are currently protected as sacred text by the Elders in modern day Mayan cultures whom are not willing to share the extent of their knowledge.
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Nibiru is referred to as the twelfth planet as well as Planet X. It is a large body on the outer edges of our solar system with an elliptical orbit that brings it close to the sun every 3600 years. There are many theories associated with Nibiru and most of them center around the year 2012 in which many believe will be the end of the world, at least as we know it. The date of December 21st, 2012 coincides with the winter solstice and end of the Mayan calendar.
But what will occur on this date, if anything? Although no one knows for certain, many believe that the earth will undergo cataclysmic changes and a possible reversal of the poles. Some believe that Nibiru will impact with earth while others believe that the ancient gods are returning. Nibiru is supposedly an inhabited planet and that the race which resides there, known as the Annunaki, visited earth long ago.Author Zechariah Sitchin, studied ancient Sumerian tablets which depicted extraterrestrial visitations. As with any theory, there are those that agree and others who disagree. There are of course, others who have expounded upon Sitchins’ theory. According to the story, there was once a large planet called Tiamat with which Nibiru had a collision. The Annunaki (or at least some of them) survived the impact.
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The Annunaki needed workers to mine the gold and so they came up with a solution. They created a hybrid worker using the primitive beings on Earth and their own DNA. The new being, namely humans, were created to be slaves for the Annunaki. Some people believe that the return of Nibiru will be beneficial, ushering Earth and her people into a higher vibrational frequency and a new era. Then there are those that believe Nibiru will bring destruction to the earth. The climate of Earth is changing due to global warming but what is causing the warming? Is it really all due to the actions of humanity? If so, why are the other planets in our solar system undergoing a warming of their own?
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Polar Shift
Some people feel for various reasons that the earth’s polar caps will make a sudden shift. This event would cause a huge change in the way the earth looks. Land masses would change dramatically. Where there was once water would now be dry and areas of land might be completely flooded.This sudden shift of the polars has been proven by a lot of people to not be “so sudden”. Many scholars believe that the shifting of the polar caps takes place slowly over a very long period of time. This is also another theory which a lot of times involves the planet Nibiru. If Nibiru (Planet X) did exist then the gravitational pull from it moving through our solar system might cause the polar caps to shift?
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The Mayan calendar ends on 12/21/2012. Or in Europe that would be written out as 21/12/2012. Either way it means December 21, 2012. The Mayans were a scary group of people. There is not doubt that this end date worries us. According to “interpretations” they received their information from an outside source. (UFO or Alien). The “Kukulcan” (as he was called) provided the Mayans with their astronomical information. Who was this guy? The Mayans described him as a tall white man who came from the sea. Some people argue that the Mayans were only predicting the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. But, maybe the Mayans knew the date that Wormwood was going to hit the earth.
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The idea that a spider (web robot) can search through Internet text information and conclude that something bad is going to happen in 2012 is completely ridiculous. Any type of web spider or robot that scams the Internet is going to find a ton of information about the year 2012. That is all this web bot is finding and to conclude that it’s an oracle of some kind is ridiculous. We really feel that the web bot wins the award of the biggest 2012 Hype Prediction out there.
This is a popular theory that involves a planet with an elliptical orbit. This planet is supposed to pass through our solar system every 3600 years. There are a lot of holes in this argument and we feel it should be dismissed as a bad theory. The main part of this theory is based on an ancient drawing. There are people who feel this drawing has been misread. There have been statements made that Nibiru should become visible in the sky by November, 2009. That’s not too far off, so we should soon see if Nibiru really does exist. Some people are even suggesting that it is visible already from Antarctica. Even though we feel this theory is probably not true, we do find it interesting that a seed depository has been built in Norway.